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178.JPG (94578 bytes)
The "U" joint assembly
from one end of the
drive line before it was
181.JPG (46378 bytes)
Machined adaptors to
fit each end of the drive
line to the balance
equipment for spinning.
179.JPG (103434 bytes)
This is the equipment
used to spin the drive
line to determine
balance.  Here the
drive line is mounted 
and in the process.
182.JPG (65841 bytes)
A balance weight fit
to the drive line for
another test spin.
180.JPG (51281 bytes)
A balance weight that
I brazed onto the drive
line as indicated by the
spin procedure.
Final prep and finish 
183.JPG (80662 bytes)
The drive line shown
installed on the chassis.
You can also see that 
the muffler is being 
test fit for hanger

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