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171.JPG (36308 bytes)
This drawing is fromthe  general arrangement
drawings for a 20 HP.
This shows enough 
information to make a
muffler from sheet and
other metal stock.
          See picture at right.
174.JPG (79678 bytes)
All of these parts were
made from steel stock
to specifications from
GA drawings or from
measurements on the
172.JPG (80109 bytes)
The muffler and tail
pipes and hangers that
were made using GA 
drawings.  One can buy
such a system from the
UK, but none are made
as an exact duplicate
according to the book.
175.JPG (69036 bytes)
The head pipe with the
flange necessary to fit
the nut that hold the 
pipe to the exhaust 
173.JPG (79064 bytes)
Making brackets to fit
the cylindrical muffler.
176.JPG (89329 bytes)
The muffler installed on
the chassis with the
Stainless Steel heat 
shield cover on.
The muffler is wrapped
with heat insulation
before the shield is
put over it.  This makes
a neat and quiet
177.JPG (70910 bytes)
The shop with a mandrel
bender used these bent
rods to make the tail 
pipes.  The patterns are
from GA drawings.

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