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089.jpg (74833 bytes)
This picture was taken 
in 1977 and shows the
terrible shape of the
interior.  Someone had  
tried to make things a
bit more tidy by using
a splash of white paint
here and there.  All that
was stripped, but was
all covered with wood
or leather as well.
092.JPG (102242 bytes)
After making a test 
instrument board from
foam, I made this board
from pine.  These type 
of trial efforts save 
the expensive final
wood from being
wasted due to mistakes
or changes.  I was also 
able to try the cut for
the glove box door
used that makes the 
grain match.
090.jpg (62130 bytes)
The instrument board
had an ash tray put
where the clock once
fit.  That and other cuts
required a new board.
093.JPG (77180 bytes)
The final mahogany
instrument board did
have changes to the
layout. Note the light
was centered over 
three instruments in this 
finished board.  The 
glove box door is 
shown installed in
later pictures.
091.jpg (46550 bytes)
Only front seats were in 
the car and were bad at 
that.  Everything had 
a very bad smell.


094.JPG (81933 bytes) Aaah! THE SWEET SMELL



A view showing the 
business end of the
drivers compartment.
095.JPG (60586 bytes)
The leather about to be
stretched on the seat


098.JPG (98644 bytes)
The seats being trial fit 
for height and distance.
Note the front seat base
gives good height and
has two drawers for
handy stowage of tools 
normal use items not 
fitting in the glove box.
The hand crank is kept
in one of these drawers.
096.JPG (86853 bytes)
Interior wood trim
being varnished.


099.JPG (70481 bytes)
A shot of the rear
Another picture of the
large items like the jack  
is in the tools section.
097.JPG (72026 bytes)
Rear seat grab bars
being made.  This is
showing the TIG
welder about to attach
the handle to the base.
The TIG welder is most
useful for precision
welds, particularly on
aluminum.  These 
parts are steel and were
polished for plating.
100.JPG (41364 bytes)
The steel foot throttle
was worn and had to
be welded to have a 
flat pad.  Then the 
groves were machined
back in with this 
carbide blade used in 
my horizontal mill.
101.JPG (88127 bytes)
The sliding sunroof
being measured and
disassembled.  Only 
the aluminum skin and
hardware was reused.
All of the wood was 
replaced and had
compound curves.
104.JPG (64668 bytes)
With the coach upside
down, it was time to do
the insulation and 
supports for the 
headliner upholstery
102.JPG (71170 bytes)
The coach upside down
on the rotary stand for
fit of the headliner
upholstery board. This
view is from the sunroof 
opening towards the
rear. The coach had 
been wired for the dome
light and fully insulated.
(see next page).
105.JPG (51674 bytes)
Showing the headliner
complete and the sun
roof in.
103.JPG (31276 bytes)
Showing the sunroof,
rear view mirror, and
the top of the windscreen.
106.jpg (63597 bytes)
Located on the front
passenger side just 
above the carpet is the
Chassis ID Plate that
was installed by the RR
factory in 1929.  It is due
 in part to this ID that
so much history on RR
and Bentley cars has 
been documented.
GEN 36 has orig. engine,
transmission, and other 
major parts documented
on the build sheets done
at the time it was built.
107.JPG (58849 bytes)
While seat upholstery 
is beyond my capability,
I decided to try carpet
binding.  I acquired an
industrial walking foot
sewing machine. The 
supplier of the leather
did strips to use on the
carpet edging.  Here,
the machine is set to do
the final stitch right
next to the leather so
as it will not show.
110.JPG (42364 bytes)
Rear compartment 
108.JPG (47931 bytes)
The industrial sewing
machine was also used
to stitch the heavy door
stop straps.
111.JPG (42349 bytes)
Rear seat area.
109.JPG (53885 bytes)
I made these straps so
that some of the strap
slides back as the door 
is closed.  That way,
the loop is smaller and
not in the way.
112.jpg (61723 bytes)
Nearside door, and 
front passenger area.
Note the position of
the chassis ID tag from
the factory just under
the manual starter foot
113.JPG (64629 bytes)
The glove box under
116.JPG (65682 bytes)
An accessory common
to these cars is the
trouble inspection
lamp.  It has a crank to
roll up the cord after 
use.  The cord has a 
plug to fit the plug-in
on the switchbox on
the instrument board.
114.JPG (62892 bytes)
The glove box
117.JPG (44638 bytes)
The Lucas spare bulb
holder is a handy
accessory.  It is solid 
brass with bulbs of the
assorted sizes in each 
115.JPG (77195 bytes)
The glove box door
installed.  While
mahogany does not
have intensive grain,
the match of the door
to the board is seen on
close inspection.
118.JPG (49900 bytes)
    The door post from the 
interior with the hand
strap shown.
    The rear door is a
"suicide" door that
must be locked when
the car is being driven.
    As these doors open 
from the front, violent 
damage would result 
from wind assisted 
opening when underway.
119.JPG (50156 bytes)
The rear seat grab 
handle with the leather
Also shown is the dome
light switch.  It is orig.
from a 20 HP RR and 
cost $120 on E-bay.
120.JPG (54971 bytes)
The front seat, hand
brake, shifter, and
carpet are shown here.


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