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043.JPG (82467 bytes)
Close up of the two 
halves of the rear main
seal adaptors that I 
machined to replace
the oil thrower used 
in older English engines.


046.JPG (40727 bytes)
A modern seal fitted to
the input shaft of the
Behind that shaft lurks 
new ring and pinion
gears for an improved
rear ratio.  This allows
for better highway speed
at lower RPM's.
044.JPG (75108 bytes)
Test assembly of the 
crankshaft in the two 
halves of the crankcase
and oil seal parts. Once
fitted correctly, the parts
had to be removed to 
install the flywheel and
do final bolt in with
gasket sealers.
047 .JPG (52837 bytes)
This view shows the 
front and rear oil seal


045.JPG (87426 bytes)
View of the transmission
seal to replace the old 
oil thrower (shown).


048.JPG (69412 bytes)
The tranny input shaft  
oil seal installed.


049.JPG (51718 bytes)
This shaft drives the 
water pump and comes 
thru the distributor
housing. Shown is the
oil slinger threads
being machined to a 
smooth surface to mate
with the seal (below).


050.JPG (41177 bytes)
To accommodate the
thickness of a seal,
a new cover was made
and the seal installed (L)
The RR cover is shown
at right.


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